To convert and print Lotus Notes to PDF document, you are just a click away! Use NSF to PDF software. The tool exports emails and its associated attachments from nsf file (mail database, repli-cated and archived nsf file) of Lotus Notes and Domino Server.
Batch Conversion of Mails with Attachments
Software for NSF to PDF Conversion will allow the bulk conversion of all Lotus Notes mails with attachments. Tool migrates default mail database file, replicated and archived NSF files.
Email Preview before Conversion
Software provides scanning procedure to transmit bug free data in PDF format. After Scan, user can preview the email details like item counts, Meta properties by selecting desired Email.
Keeps All Meta after Conversion
Lotus Notes to PDF Converter preserves the entire internet header like CC, BCC, TO, subject, date, time, attachments, inline pictures, links, HTML format and all while conversion.
Same Folder Structure after Export
Lotus Notes NSF to PDF tool maintains the nested Hierarchy of all mailbox folders like Inbox, sent items, Outbox, Draft and user defined folder while exporting into PDF Format. The data remain in same folder as it was in Notes platform.
Create Individual PDF file for Emails
NSF to PDF converter is filled with enormous features like it would not compel you to convert en-tire mails in one PDF file. Software creates individual PDF file per emails folder wise.
Flexible with All versions of Lotus Notes
Software for Export Lotus Notes database to PDF is fully flexible with below versions of IBM Notes 9.0 and all earlier versions 8.5, 8.0 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0 etc.
Suppose you are a lawyer, business users, administrators, software developers, attorney profession-als or doctors who comes with the situation where you need to access records of your client form his/her emails. Your client uses IBM Notes. As IBM Notes is system specific, so it is not possible for you access mails. Your client is not available now but you need to save Lotus Notes mails quickly. You need to save Lotus Notes email to PDF, so that you can maintain the data with confidence with you. The NSF to PDF converter tool supports converting IBM® Lotus Notes emails with attachments into standard PDF file format.